She Hanged Herself Without a Rope is a research-based project seeking to capture how we define rural feminism today. The primary research material consists of interviews with women living in rural areas. The aim is to give these women a voice rather than discussing rural feminism from the perspective of someone belonging to an urban middle-class background.
As a woman from a rural environment, raised in a household predominantly made up of women —surrounded by aunts, neighbors, and other female figures — I want to explore with curiosity how these women perceive themselves in the context of feminism, what feminism means to them, and how (if at all) they identify with it. Most importantly, I aim to show that feminism is not solely defined by the discourse of urban feminists, what we read in books, or what we learn from protests like the Black Protests.
Historically, the cradle of rural feminism was found in women’s circles (koła gospodyń wiejskich), which created communities of women who supported one another. This project seeks to highlight these perspectives and redefine feminism through the lens of rural women’s experiences.
Feminism in narrations of women from rural environment, Barbara Szojda, publisher: Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne, year: 2012, issue: 2(67), pages: 117-128.